Explore our diverse portfolio of office accommodation

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Contact our lettings team to discuss your needs

We offer a wide range of office accommodation in Marylebone, ranging from smaller individual suites to larger corporate headquarters. All of them benefit from excellent amenities within the area and direct management by The Howard de Walden Estate. The properties shown here are only those that are immediately available. Our offices leasing team works closely with businesses to identify suitable office accommodation to match their requirements.

Contact them to discuss your needs.

Head of Commercial Lettings
Commercial Lettings Manager
Commercial Lettings Assistant
Commercial Lettings Manager

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{"bordercolour":"black","desc":["Most of the homes"," offices"," shops and medical facilities under our control are characterful period properties"," many of them dating from the 18th century"," while our contemporary properties have been built to an extremely high standard."],"image":"\/images\/property\/test0-xt2000.webp","itemtitle":["Why renting with Howard de Walden is the number one choice"],"link":"\/about-us\/why-rent-with-us","linktext":"Read more","filtertag":["Renting with Howard de Walden"],"textpos":["left"]}